Belladonna Career Coaching

How Coaching Changed my career trajectory

Interview with 21-year-old Nikita Chogle who pivoted during COVID-19 and went from an unemployed esthetician to starting her own make-up line, on her experience as a client of Belladonna Career Coaching (BDCC)

BDCC: When we first met you were at a crossroads just like so many other people whose career was suddenly put on hold due to COVID-19? Tell us about that.

Nikita: I was licensed to be an esthetician in 2018 and had just started building my clientele when COVID-19 hit. All spas were shut down and social distancing was impossible when working on clients’ faces. 

BDCC: What made you consider hiring a life coach?

Nikita: When we first spoke, you told me that coaching was unlike therapy. I have experienced therapy in the past and did not like it as it seemed that I was subjected to someone else’s opinions. Coaching is non-judgmental and I feel like I am empowered and finding solutions from within myself. 

BDCC: When we first had our initial sessions, what were the biggest challenges you were facing both externally and internally?

Nikita: I had the vision of starting my own cosmetics company, but I had so many internal conflicts about how I could accomplish this dream. I was doubting myself and whether I had what it takes at 21-years of age and without a college degree in business. Coaching helped me overcome those fears and build my confidence that I can do anything I set my mind to. 

BDCC: Since we started our coaching relationship you have built a brand and social media presence under the name, The Indian Esthetician. You have also registered a trademark for a make-up line you will be launching soon. What changed in you that you found the confidence to follow your dream?

Nikita: Coaching made me believe in myself and my intuition. You as my coach helped me to tap into that. I know that I can always reach out to my coach when I get stuck to help me find the answers inside of me and that I do not need a business degree to pursue my dreams.

 Image of Nikita Chogle – The Indian Esthetician

BDCC: Why was finishing business school so important to you in the first place?

Nikita: I am Indian, and I experienced so much pressure from some family members who were projecting their expectations on me. In most Indian families, it is expected to have high academic credentials. 

BDCC: What made you decide to choose the road less traveled and drop out of college?

Nikita: I was miserable in college. I realized that I was a hands-on, kinesthetic learner. Also, I have a non-verbal learning disability and while I do not want to be pitied for it, I realized that this learning modality was not for me. Many kids have experienced this during COVID-19 when schools went to remote learning via Zoom and some students were just left behind because the learning environment was not ideal for them. 

BDCC: You have been coached now for nine months. Tell us what have been your biggest breakthroughs or “aha moments”. 

Nikita: I have learned to question my own thoughts and beliefs when they are not serving me, by asking the question “how true is that?”. If it isn’t true and there are other ways of viewing a situation, I learned how to reframe my mind. I have also learned to have faith and believe that I am exactly where I am supposed to be in life. I have become more intuitive. It took me a long time, but the more I practiced these beliefs the more I became able to manifest what I wanted. 

BDCC: Nikita, as a 21-year-old, what would you say to others about what it is like to hire a life or a career coach especially given the cost of working with a coach?

Nikita: I invested in myself. I didn’t know if this was going to be the right path or the wrong path, but coaching was all about me and my choices. I own my life and my path and cannot blame anyone else, not my parents or anything. I choose to be the person that I am and that I want to become. This is the best investment I ever made, and it is surely more gratifying than the short-term high you might experience when purchasing luxury goods, for the purpose of others acknowledging your worth. 

BDCC: So, what is your message to all those people trying to figure out their paths in life and their careers, regardless of their age, education, or point in their career?

Nikita: You are never alone. There is always a path for you and your goals. Just stay in your lane and let go of whatever talk track you learned growing up. It is not easy, but it is a challenge you should not ignore. Follow your dreams!

Note from the author: Follow Nikita’s success on Instagram @ theindian.aesthetician