Belladonna Career Coaching

Let's Get To Work

Are you ready to SOAR?

My signature coaching program, “SOAR” (the acronym stands for the four phases of the program: Seek, Outline, Awake and Relearn) will mindfully guide you through the toughest transformations.  Whether you are taking on a bigger leadership role, changing companies or industries, deciding to leave the corporate world altogether, or realizing that your current mindset is holding you back from living your best life, I will give you a framework to get you to your destination with ease. You will benefit from my 25 years of experience as a global leader in the corporate world as well as from the many personal and professional transformations I have navigated in my own life.

What can you accomplish through coaching?

  • Gain awareness of yourself, your environment, and how your current thought patterns are serving you.
  • Find your purpose, reconnect to your values, and honor them so you experience greater satisfaction in all areas of your life.
  • Re-write your script and eliminate limiting beliefs.
  • Achieve your full potential as a leader and become the best version of you.
  • Learn how to better manage stress.
  • Set manageable goals and hold yourself accountable.
  • Become an empathetic, celebrated leader.
  • Let go of the past, live in the present, and look forward to the future.
  • Deal with massive change from situations such as a job loss, a promotion into a leadership role, reorganizations, working with a new manager, or dealing with corporate mergers.
  • Change your perspective and outlook on the definition of success.
  • Build more supportive relationships with co-workers, superiors, and people outside of the workplace.
  • Replace self-doubt about your qualifications and skills with confidence.
  • Move forward when you feel stuck.

    Coaching puts you in the driver’s seat and lets you take control of your life, thoughts, feelings, and actions in a judgment-free zone. Together we will explore how to unlock your full potential and authentic self.