Belladonna Career Coaching

How to become the best version of yourself – Part 2 Success Factors

How to become the best version of yourself – Part 2 Success Factors

You are one week into the August challenge to become the best version of yourself and SOAR. Quick check-in.  How are things going for you? If you want to set yourself up for success and be thriving, motivated and determined as I am feeling, and have a strong “why” as covered in part 1 of this series, please keep reading!

An Australian motivational speaker, Matthew Kelly sums it up nicely when saying, “Anything and Anyone that does not help you to become the best version of yourself is too small.” So, how can you make sure you are not playing it safely and aiming high enough? Here are my recommendations to set yourself up for success:

  1. Envision your future self.
  2. Be intentional and mindful.
  3. Set up your environment for success.
  4. Create your “success formula”.
  5. Find ways to hold yourself accountable.
  1. Envision your future self.

No matter if your goals are to transform your outer self (e.g., through weight loss, muscle gain, greater flexibility or a different hair color 🙋🏼♀️) or your inner self (e.g., becoming more spiritual or spreading more kindness) I encourage you to spend time envisioning how that best version of yourself looks like, thinks, feels, and acts. What are the behaviors and habits you wish to cultivate and what will it mean for you to accomplish your goals? What will others notice about you that is different? Once you have determined that vision capture it in either a letter or a video speaking to you now as your future self – the best version of yourself you are trying to become, who is so much wiser than your current self. Envisioning your future self makes your goal real and within reach.

  1. Be intentional and mindful.

I have emphasized the importance of being intentional and mindful in the past. If you are not intentional, you are merely coasting without a compass or a destination. And if you are not mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and actions you are a) not present and b) might harbor self-sabotaging thoughts such as “this is too hard”, or “why would I achieve this now, I haven’t in the past.”

  1. Set up your environment for success.

“Out of sight, out of mind” is a saying usually expressed in relation to people we don’t see for a while, but I apply it to my environment as well. For example, part of my August challenge is to remain alcohol-free and to watch my nutrition. I have removed any alcoholic beverages from my home and have shopped only for groceries that support my goals. If you minimize your exposure to what tempts you, especially in moments of weakness, you are more likely to succeed.

  1. Create your “success formula”.

Do you know under what circumstances you perform at your best? We reach our highest potential when we optimize the six influencers that can reduce or increase our level of energy. These influencers or stressors are:

  • Spiritual
  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Physical
  • Social
  • Environmental

My success formula for the month of August includes attending church service every Sunday and journaling about my progress. I have a template available for you to create your personal success formula. Just message me if you like a copy. 

  1. Find ways to hold yourself accountable.

Accountability and commitment are key to becoming the best version of yourself. Some find this easy; others resist sharing how they are doing publicly, perhaps out of fear of exposure or judgment. I feel that the more transparent I am about what I am doing and how it is going, the more I can improve and fine-tune my approach. I use tracking apps to log my progress daily (Fitbit, Macros, Sunnyside, etc.) and post about my progress on social media, but you don’t have to go to that length. A close friend, significant other, or coach makes for a great accountability partner.

You now have an understanding of the major success factors required to become the best version of yourself and SOAR to new heights. SOAR is the name of my signature coaching program (the acronym stands for the four phases of the program SEEK, OUTLINE, AWAKE, and RELEARN) which helps professionals like you transform mindfully and with ease so you can SOAR in all areas of your life. If you are interested in exploring coaching with me, contact me at Are you ready to SOAR?