Belladonna Career Coaching

Let it go! Releasing the future (Part 2 of 6)

Although I tell people never to assume, I am going out on a limb here and starting this article with the assumption that most people are aware of the concept of letting go of the past. Whether this is a true statement or not, I will continue with another assumption: Many people live in the future and are not familiar with the concept of releasing their idea of it before moving forward. 

Let’s test this theory. Do you or someone you know frequently start sentences like this?

When I

… have lost 20 lbs., I will buy myself some nice, new clothes

… get promoted, I will start saving money for my dream house

… retire, I will travel the world

… receive my coaching certification, I will quit my current job

… find my true love, I will be happy

Projecting our expectations into the future and delaying gratification can lead to excessive worry and anxiety since the future is largely out of our control. Releasing the future is the second part in this series of six things we need to learn to let go of (based on the philosophy of Taoism) to live a more balanced life:

    1. The past
    2. The future
    3. People
    4. The desire to rush things
    5. Excess
    6. Ego

There is nothing wrong with having desires and dreaming of a better, brighter future as long as you are not solely focused on expecting improvements that are tied to a future event that may or may not happen. This robs you of being the best version of yourself in the here and now. 

To release the future, you need to practice gratitude for what you already have in your life and take action now. Let’s look at some of the examples from above: 

  • Instead of waiting to lose 20 lbs., love yourself the way you are right now and buy yourself a piece of clothing that makes you feel confident and radiant (I don’t want to hear your objections, just give it a try).
  • Instead of waiting for that promotion, make your current space your sanctuary and enjoy your current environment now. Start saving a little bit of money so that you can afford a house regardless of that promotion ever happening. 
  • Stop waiting until retirement when you might not have the same physical vitality you have today to take that long vacation and explore the world! 

You get the picture.

Staying present requires practice but it is in the present that we have the most power. To learn more about how to remain present, check out one of my previous articles ( ).  

I strongly encourage you to let go of the future and live joyfully in the here and now. You’ll see it is all worthwhile because you have opened the possibility to inner transformation. 

As a certified coach, I help professionals with mindful transformations. I have created my signature program, SOAR (the acronym stands for the four phases of the program: seek, outline, awake and re-learn). Contact me to learn more at