Belladonna Career Coaching

Not Done yet! Achieving a peak performance mindset

Not Done yet! Achieving a peak performance mindset

Have you ever encountered or witnessed a person being written off and deemed not good enough to be successful or, even worse, a failure?  I have many times, and sadly, as we grow more mature, it seems to happen more frequently in life and at work.  You are being considered “over the hill” when you reach your fortieth birthday, suggesting that you have peaked physically, mentally, or both in your performance.  

Especially in the sports world, elite athletes are quickly written off once they reach a certain age.  People were constantly quoting Tom Brady’s age during his last several seasons and expecting that his skills and performance would drastically drop, yet they didn’t.  Another example is Diane Nyad, a marathon swimmer recently featured in a Netflix movie.  She was the first to swim from Cuba to Key West, Florida, without a protective cage at the age of 64 (!), upon her fifth attempt, despite many doubters encouraging her to let that dream go and give up. 

What differentiates these elite athletes who defy statistics?  It is a powerful performance mindset and their ability to consistently push themselves out of their comfort zone to prove that they are not done yet!  But peak performance doesn’t just occur in sports. It also applies to the corporate world. 

The corporate world can be a place where employees are seen as statistics.  There are quotas to be met in hiring for diversity.  Budgets are skewed towards less experienced and, therefore, younger hires and there are prejudices about being unable to “teach an old dog new tricks.”  That is unfortunate because those companies fitting my description are missing out on candidates with a peak performance mindset. 

What if a peak performance mindset could be cultivated?  Imagine how successful companies and their employees would be.  Think about the level of engagement and satisfaction individuals and teams could reach.  I believe it is a state that is not only desirable but also achievable. 

BetterUp, an organization with the mission to help people everywhere live their lives with greater clarity, purpose, and passion, is at the forefront of research regarding personal and career development. According to one of their studies, there are six skills to be developed within an organization and its employees to reach a peak performance mindset (find the entire blog here .

  1. Build Resilience
  2. Create a strong mental fitness practice.
  3. Work with a coach
  4. Practice Inner Work
  5. Know (and set) your boundaries
  6. Maintain your focus

On a personal level, I know that at the age of 58, I have not reached my peak performance yet, physically or mentally.  I am competing at Karate tournaments, winning trophies, and getting closer and closer to my dream of becoming a black belt, a journey I started over 40 years ago.  In my work as a professional coach, I am continuing to acquire knowledge about how the human mind works and how I can help others reach peak performance.  I am not done yet!

Not Done yet!  Achieving a peak performance mindset

Winning trophies over a 40-year time span

If you would like to learn more about reaching your peak performance, ask me about my signature coaching program called SOAR (the acronym stands for the four phases: SEEK, OUTLINE, AWAKE, and RELEARN).  I help professionals transform mindfully and quickly so they can SOAR in all areas of their lives.  Reach out to me at for a free discovery call.