Belladonna Career Coaching

Resisting Temptations

It is officially the Holiday season, and we are surrounded by temptation. The smell of baked delicacies and comforting family dinners, the lavish decorations in department stores enticing us to buy what we probably don’t need and possibly can’t afford. And office parties where alcohol flows freely, minimizing our inhibitions, and encouraging us to partake in activities we might later regret. 

Temptation is a desire to engage in short-term urges for enjoyment that threatens long-term goals. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as the state of being tempted, especially to evil. We all know the story of Adam and Eve and how it ended. They couldn’t resist eating from the forbidden tree – they got kicked out of paradise, and women are still paying the price of experiencing excruciating pain during labor!

I admit it, I haven’t been the best role model recently either. Those who know me, admire my discipline and strength, and appreciate that these two things have pushed me through the most significant obstacles and challenges in life. I work out every day. I usually watch what I eat by tracking my macros diligently and practice much self-care to foster a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Yet, there have been a series of events lately that got me off the path and let temptation win, resulting in gaining weight and choosing activities that are simply not good for me. 

It is normal at this time of the year to let go of discipline and give in to temptation. We make excuses and tell ourselves “to live a little” and that we’ll get back on track in January. A new year, a new you!? Sounds familiar? If so, I’d like to invite you to stop the madness right now! Yes, you heard me, even at the risk of being called a grinch, don’t let the Holidays derail you from your long-term goals. 

I didn’t say it was going to be easy but trust me, it will be worthwhile to get back on track right now because the longer we foster habits that do not serve us, the harder it gets to break them. Here are my recommended steps that set you up for success in resisting temptations:

  1. Re-connect to your “why”. My why is to be mindful in everything that I do, inclusive of the consumption of carbs and alcohol.
  2. Take stock of where you are. There is a saying that “if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it”. I weighed myself this morning and although I wasn’t proud of what the scale showed, I take full responsibility for what got me here (German spekulatius cookies and wine).
  3. Be intentional about your day and actions and remain mindful. Honored intentions lead to micro-wins, which add up to achieving your goals in the long term.
  4. Find a group of peers who can support you and hold you accountable.
  5. Journal about your feelings, failed attempts, and triumphs. I am not assuming that you will have failed attempts, but if you do, forgive yourself and move on. 

So now that you know how to resist temptation when it is so much easier to give in to it, which path will you choose? I will be choosing the healthy path and getting a head start before January. Are you with me? If you need an accountability partner, contact me at