Belladonna Career Coaching

Shine your inner light!

Shine your inner light!

It is official – the 2023 Holiday season has begun.  Lights are brightening front yards, homes and store windows everywhere, bringing magic, joy, and hope to people around the world.  The famous New York City Christmas tree carries no less than 50,000 lights and a giant bright star, attracting millions to Rockefeller Plaza every year to catch a glimpse at its glory and warm their hearts. 

While those external lights are easily seen by the eye, we all carry an internal light, that albeit less apparent to our vision, can be equally as powerful in enhancing our wellbeing and that of others.  The internal light is frequently referred to as our soul or our spirit and in this article, I would like to share how you can brighten yours and become a beacon for others that may need a little help believing in themselves.

I love a good analogy and recently a client of mine was telling me about a story he read.  In it all humans were light bulbs.  The clearer our essence, the brighter we shine, but we are all subject to mud being thrown at us at any given time and that mud will build up on us and dim our light.  The mud is symbolic of the negativity we are subjected to. In order to shine our light, we need to clean up the mud.  You get the picture. 

So here are ten real-world things you can do to flick off the mud, brighten your inner light and share it with those surrounding you:

  1. Smile – think of something that will turn the corners of your mouth up.  It is an easy act of kindness to share your smile with others.
  2. Appreciation – Send a hand-written note to someone and tell them what you appreciate about them.  Make their day.
  3. Be thankful – practicing gratitude will raise your vibration and bring in abundance.
  4. Give back – whether it is through a donation or by spending time with people in need, charity is going to make someone’s world a brighter place.
  5. Self-care – treat yourself to some “me-time” whatever that means to you, a massage, a hot cup of cocoa or curling up on the sofa with a captivating book.
  6. Unplug – get away from screens and technology and take a walk outside to observe nature and hopefully catch some sun rays to fuel you up.
  7. Give a compliment to a stranger – if you observe a behavior you feel is worth praising, let that person know and spread goodness.
  8. Let go of negativity – if you feel like you have been wronged, try to forgive the person who may have triggered you and move on as fast as you can.
  9. Call someone spontaneously – think of someone you care about and who has made a difference in your life and give them a call to check in on them.
  10. Be present – listen to those around you and share your authentic self generously.

Remember, “Just as one candle lights another and can light thousands of candles, so one heart illuminates thousands of other hearts.“ (Leo Tolstoy).

Wishing you all much light and don’t let anyone dim yours in this holiday season or any time of the year!