Belladonna Career Coaching

Stuck in “Whoville”?

“Tell me about yourself” is a question that is frequently asked in job interviews and is an opportunity to provide your elevator pitch highlighting your greatest strengths. It is also a question that often stumps people, especially if they have not thought about how they define themself. Whichever words we use behind “I am” it is an indicator of the story we create in our heads about who we are. If those words or thoughts created a negative self-perception that you cannot get out of, you got stuck in “Whoville”. 

Whoville is an imaginary place that we all individually created in our early childhood. It is an accumulation of what we learned. It is like a giant mental library that archives all experiences, and labels them as “good” or “bad”. Housed in Whoville are the labels our parents, teachers, trainers, friends, and others gave us along the way. All of us have a mixed bag of labels and with every experience or relationship and every consequence after an action, we add to this library. We initially stored these impressions to survive and grow up. Later in life we just forgot the reasons for the labels and kept storing them away. 

Every person has their own Whoville. The difference between people who are leading successful and fulfilling careers and lives versus those who are miserable and feel stuck is the level of awareness each person has about the thoughts and labels they chose to accept as truths about themselves. Highly successful people decide at some point to clean out the archives and get rid of any thoughts or labels that no longer serve them, such as “you are not good enough, smart enough, attractive enough, etc.”. Instead, they chose to replace those thoughts and restock the shelves with daily affirmations, strengthening the positives they identify with. 

The good news is if you are stuck in Whoville, you can find your way out because every day we get to choose who we want to be and how we want to show up in this world. If your Whoville does not feel good, engaging a professional coach is the fastest way to re-write your script. I have the tools and the knowledge to lead you to the truth and find the best version of you so that the next time you are asked “tell me about yourself” your response will be one full of joy and enthusiasm to share with the world. Don’t wait, contact me today at to get you on track and redesign your Whoville to a place where you want to reside.