Belladonna Career Coaching

Turning weaknesses into strengths

During a recent job interview I was asked one of the most common questions: “What do you consider to be your area of development?” which is a paraphrase for “What is your greatest weakness?”

Ironically my greatest weakness is admitting weakness. For a long time, I was following unwritten rules of how a female executive should behave. Emotions were to be kept in check, no crying, no yelling, no cursing, no failing. Instead I would internalize any frustration or pain I experienced and shed those tears at home in private e.g. when I had to execute major layoffs and witnessed injustice or exclusion.

Today I know that these limiting beliefs no longer serve me. It is okay to be human and to be our authentic self! There is power in allowing space for weakness and vulnerability in the workplace and I now consider it to be one of my greatest strengths!


Work with me as your coach to empower you to be your authentic self and turn any perceived weakness into a strength!