Belladonna Career Coaching

Uncovering illusions to find the truth and SOAR

Have you ever been in the audience of a great illusionist like David Copperfield or Criss Angel knowing their magic tricks were defying logic, yet you were mesmerized and entertained by what you witnessed and left wondering “How did they do it”? These magicians or mentalists have mastered the art of creating illusions. 

Illusions are defined as an idea or a belief that is not true or something that is not really what it seems to be. When attending a magic show, we fully expect to experience illusions. But what if I told you that our daily lives are full of illusions? To make matters worse, the illusions we create at work and home are getting in the way of our happiness and success. They prevent us from reaching our full potential and from soaring. 

Let’s take a closer look at the illusions that can show up in our lives. In the coaching world, they are commonly referred to as “inner blocks”. Below are the four categories and their definitions according to iPEC (Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching).

    1. Limiting Beliefs
    2. Assumptions
    3. Interpretations
    4. Gremlins (more commonly referred to as our inner critic or saboteur)

Limiting Beliefs

A generalization, stereotype, or idea that you learned and accepted about yourself, the world, or other people that limits you in some way, e.g., women cannot become president of the United States or the CEO of a successful business.


An expectation that because something has happened in the past it will happen again., e.g. I was passed for that promotion because I am part of a minority, and that will prevent me from ever getting promoted. 


A story, opinion, or judgment that you create about an event, situation, person, or experience and believe to be true. This is a very common inner block. For example, you were in a meeting, and someone interrupted your mid-sentence. Your takeaway is that this person does not respect your perspective and as a consequence will not speak up again or dislike this person.


The inner voice that tells you in one way or another that you’re not good enough. Your gremlin is highly personal. It is the most intense emotional charge of any of the blocks. When your gremlin speaks it is hard not to listen.

All four of these inner blocks play tricks on your mind without you even realizing it. Frequently they run the show and create chaos and drama.  So, how can you escape these unwanted illusions and regain control? 

The answer is surprisingly simple. Now that you are aware of their existence you just have to ask yourself one simple question: “Is what I just experienced the truth or is it my perspective and perception of the truth?”. How will you know the difference? The truth does not require justification, it just is. In other words, the truth consists of the facts of the situation without any kind of interpretation being added. 

Don’t let illusions get in the way of your success. I encourage you to uncover them systemically and find the truth. Once you do, I predict you will SOAR. SOAR (the acronym stands for the four phases Seek, Outline, Awake, and Relearn) is the name of my signature coaching program, which helps professionals like you to transform mindfully and with ease so you can SOAR in all areas of your life. Are you ready to SOAR?