Belladonna Career Coaching

Spreading Love through Leadership

Spreading Love through Leadership

I recently came across a chart from Employ Humanity titled “The seven keys to boldly human leadership” and it was unlike anything I have ever seen. When you Google the most important leadership qualities there is much consensus on what they entail: Integrity, self-awareness, problem-solving, communication, etc. No surprises, right? This chart, however, listed LOVE as one of the key leadership traits and it highly resonated with me. 

I began to wonder; if we can agree that love is the most powerful positive force in this universe and that love can do anything, then why does the thought of naming love the most desirable leadership quality seem so far-fetched? What would the world look like if corporations embraced this concept?  

We still live in a world where expressing emotions in our work environment is uncommon. After all, in the corporate realm, we are hired for our thoughts and ideas and it gets awkward very quickly when someone talks about their feelings. If the “L-word” is used, the context is loving something rather than someone.  

A leader’s role is to activate forces in others to achieve a common goal. It is not an easy task and frequently comes with the burden of having to make decisions that impact the livelihood and well-being of others. There are constant trade-offs leaders must weigh and frequently they are driven by numbers representing success or failure.  

So, what do the most recognized leaders in the world have in common? They connected to their innermost passion transcending their ego and finding their purpose. In other words, they are doing what they love and are spreading that love, making it nearly impossible not to get behind them to follow their lead.  

If corporations tapped into this power and promoted those leaders who show compassion for themselves and others and lead with their inner light and warmth, the world would be a better place. That is the kind of world I want to be a part of. Albert Schweizer once said: “The only thing of importance, when we depart, will be the traces of love we left behind.” What legacy will you leave behind?  

If you have difficulty connecting to your purpose and finding that compassion for yourself and others, reach out to me at and let me help you transform your inner self. Sending much love to all of you!